Herongate Eviction Census

From May to June 2018, Herongate Tenant Coalition conducted a door-to-door census of the houses Timbercreek wants to demolish. We accounted for 123 of the 150 targeted townhouses. The results, although unsurprising, are nevertheless heartbreaking. Hundreds of children. Close to 600 people in total for the 105 townhouses Timbercreek has said were occupied. And this is only Phase 2 of the largest eviction campaign in Canada. Phase 1 of the evictions, which took place from fall 2015 to February 2016—in the dead of winter—accounted for probably over 200 people, but we don't have data because it wasn't collected. We were sure to account for the real impact this time around.

Herongate Eviction Census 2018


Source: 2018 Herongate Eviction Census